Wiggle With Us Towards Net Zero

Total Metric Tons of CO₂ Equivalents Avoided To Date


Specific to livestock and dairy operations, BioFiltro’s patented worm powered wastewater system catalyzes the digestive power of worms and microbes to remove 70 – 99% of total nitrogen, phosphorus, ammonia, and total volatile solids from liquid manure. Our systems are designed to receive water as soon as it is discharged from the facility and, through a continuous intermittent batch process, we irrigate our systems for 2-5 minutes every thirty minutes and, within 4 hours, treated water flows out.

After years of third party research at dairies it was found that when BioFiltro is installed upstream of anaerobic lagoons we prevent solids and nutrients from arriving to the lagoon and thus prevent the formation of methane and other green house gases from occurring. As such, our system enables farmers to optimize nutrient management, reduce your land application area, increase range of crops, switch irrigation methods, decrease consumption of fresh water, and increase your herd size while generating up to 7 carbon credits per milking head per year.

In 2020, the greenhouse gas emission reduction impact of our dairy liquid manure system at Royal Dairy in Royal City, Washington was registered on Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard. As such, the carbon credits generated through our system were able to be sold to a global CPG company as part of that Company’s pledge to lower their dairy carbon footprint.

Effectively, BioFiltro provides a nature based, non-combustion based climate smart solution for the dairy industry to achieve its net zero commitments.

You can find some of the articles and research on our system below:

Vermifiltration Dairy Manure Mitloehner BioFiltro

Profiling of the Microbiome Associated With Nitrogen Removal During Vermifiltration of Wastewater From a Commercial Dairy

Lai Ellen, Hess Matthias, Mitloehner Frank M. Frontiers in Microbiology Volume 9, 2018

A vermifiltration system for low methane emissions and high nutrient removal at a California dairy

A vermifiltration system for low methane emissions and high nutrient removal at a California dairy

Dore Sabina, Deverel Steven J., Christen Nicholas. Bioresource Technology Reports, Volume 18 June 2022

Efficacy of a vermifilter at mitigating greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions from dairy wastewater

Efficacy of a vermifilter at mitigating greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions from dairy wastewater

Gilbert J. Miito*1 , Pius M. Ndegwaa , Femi P. Alegea , Sifolo S. Coulibalyb , Joe Harrisonc Journal of Environmental Quality

The BioFiltro BIDA Wastewater Treatment System

Sabina Dore, Steve Deverel, Andrés Iacobelli, Matías Sjögren

At Royal Dairy, the first lagoon stores liquid manure after it has gone through a series of solid separators and before it has been sent to our BIDA System. The second lagoon is what stores our treated effluent. The difference is our four hour treatment that prevents tens of thousands of metric tons of CO2 equivalents avoided from forming each year from this one lagoon. Imagine the impact scaled up when BioFiltro treats more than just the 6,500 milking head at Royal Dairy.

"Our research showed that [BioFiltro's] vermiculture dairy manure technology reduces atmospheric nitrogen losses by 90%. After studying the microbiology, we now know that denirtifiers take various nitrogen compounds and convert them to atmospheric nitrogen (N2). Great technology"
Dr Frank MItloehner BioFiltro Vermifiltration
Dr. Frank MItloehner
Professor & Air Quality Extension Specialist, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis
Twitter @ghgguru
Lagoon Before BioFiltro Was Installed
Royal Dairy's BIDA System
Royal Dairy After BioFiltro
Lagoon After BioFiltro Was Installed