The VermiDigest by BioFiltro
August 2024
Greetings from BioFiltro! We’ve been wriggling around this Summer, and we cannot wait to update you and keep crushing it this next season!
New Installations
Follow Our BioFiltro Family Expansion
Winery in Walla Walla, WA

This new winery features three of BioFiltro’s Wiggle Rooms to vermifilter 100% of their process water for irrigation reuse.
“We use an earthworm farm to naturally clean and filter our wastewater, which is then used for vineyard irrigation – offsetting the need to deplete deep-basalt well water. In 2024 we project capture and re-use of roughly 300,000 gallons for irrigation.”
Food Processor in Merced County, CA

BioFiltro’s new worm farm is helping this almond processor reduce their water footprint by reusing up to 40,000 gallons of wastewater per day. Clean water from our system is reused for the irrigation of crops.
“Water: The most essential input in the almond industry. The future of almost farming and almond products depends on prioritizing creative ways to be more efficient with how we use this key resource… Our processing facilities are also dedicated to reducing their water footprints with initiatives like recapturing wastewater and reusing it as irrigation water for crops.”
Winery in Napa County, CA

Another Napa County winery is now home to two of BioFiltro’s Wiggle Rooms allowing them to beneficially reuse their process wastewater for irrigation. Since wineries average about 6 gallons of wastewater per gallon of wine, not including irrigation demand, it’s important to reuse water instead of relying on freshwater and depleting groundwater. Cheers to climate smart winemaking!
BioFiltro News
Vermifiltration Article

Lori Captain dives into how dairy farmers are redefining waste management in agriculture and tapping into the benefits of manure. Captain presents vermifiltration as a beneficial option and discusses the vermifiltration process as a promising solution for waste management.
“Vermiculture, also known as vermicomposting, presents another option for managing manure. Using the natural digestion capabilities of worms, this technology enables some farmers to transform manure into a valuable nutrient-rich soil amendment. Vermicomposting also can reduce the environmental effects of manure-derived wastewater, offering a multifaceted solution to some dairy farmers.”
Check out the article: Innovative Manure Solutions for Sustainable Dairy Farming
Recent Events
Winery Visits

During this past month, some of our team members headed out to visit three of our amazing systems at wineries in California. Our team stopped by Sleeping Giant Winery, Round Pond Estate Winery, and Ehlers Estate. We had a great time checking in on our worms, taking in the beautiful views, and watching the vermifiltration process. Thank you to the wineries for always being so welcoming and enjoying our worms just as much as we do!
Check It Out
Video on Our New Project

Check out one of our recent pilot projects! Thank you Tara Vander Dussen for talking about our worms and giving the world a peek at our vermifiltration technology.
Check out the article: Tara Vander Dussen Video Update
Before and After BioFiltro's BIDA System

Check out this worm tea photo! Here is a look at the before and after results at one of our wineries. The before on the left showcases the winery process water without treatment and the right shows the results of our system! We cannot wait to keep expanding our worm family and help out more wineries along the way. Not only is the water much cleaner and clearer, but it’s also packed with beneficial microbes that are great for soil and crops.
On Our Calendar

October 5 – 9, 2024
New Orleans, LA
We’re so excited to exhibit at WEFTEC for our first time. Come say hi at BOOTH #862 and learn about our natural solution for domestic, food & beverage, and livestock facilities.
Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with our worm-powered wastewater solutions.
Stay subscribed for more exciting updates!