“Without the work of this humble creature,
who knows nothing of the benefits he confers upon mankind,
agriculture, as we know it, would be very difficult,
if not wholly impossible.”
- Charles Darwin -

“Without the work of this humble creature,
who knows nothing of the benefits he confers upon mankind,
agriculture, as we know it, would be very difficult,
if not wholly impossible.”
- Charles Darwin -

Worms are simultaneously hermaphroditic and can lay 150 – 200 cocoons each year, which is about 400 – 600 future employees! The average worm lifespan is 6 years so we gain and retain a lot of employees each year!

The gut is rich in microbes which help us propagate and maintain our biofilm while also assisting in the nitrification denitrification process.

Each worm can produce up to 10 pounds of castings per year which maintains rich
microbial activity within our system.
Furthermore, when harvested, castings can be utilized by farmers, gardeners, and processors to increase crop yield, soil health, and water retention.